Sunday, February 16, 2014

A New Chapter

This winter has already had its ups & downs in my training.  It has been one of the best snow winters in quite a awhile, but it has also been one of the coldest.  I have been relegated to indoor training for the majority of my training sessions.

My biathlon training has taken a back seat to make way for my road toward Ironman WI.  I have tried to race when I can, but fell during a biathlon race in December & created a few days of unscheduled rest.  I was able to jump back into racing in February for the National Guard Central Region Biathlon Series.  I am trying to figure out when the last race I did without my coldest waxes on my skis!  With my focus elsewhere, my shooting has suffered this season due to lack of dry fire or range time!

January saw the final preps on the 40th Annual Lumberjack Jaunt Nordic Ski Race on February 2.  This was my 13th year as a race director for this event.  It was also my final one.  After the race, I resigned my post & am handing the reigns over to the next generation in the race.  Thank you to all who helped me with this adventure over the years.  I am looking forward to taking a few steps back & being back on the "other side" of this winter tradition!

Although my "official" Ironman training does not start for another month, I have still been working hard on my base training.  A typical week has seen 3-5 hours in the pool, 5+ hours on the bike trainer, & 1-3 hours running.  Add in some strength training & other training sessions. The hardest part right now has been working on my road map toward September.  My race plan will take off in early April.  My first check point is a 70.3 (Half Iron Distance) race in June.

Thank you for following along on my journey!